

I’m Nancy – a fellow struggler in this life, full of passion, grace, and too often my own fears and insecurities. I choose to live fully, and wholehearted, embracing and seeking out adventure whenever and wherever I can find it.

I have many roles in my life – wife, mom, friend, follower of Christ, professional, student of humanity, and influencer.

My heart beats for people. When I love, I love big, and I love deep… this includes my family, friends, and those I have the privilege of crossing paths with on my journey.

I love coffee, deep conversations, learning, beautiful things, challenging the status quo, walking on the beach, and changing the world… if only one life at a time.

My interests and pursuits are diverse and span from reading – to traveling the world, with hundreds of things in between.

Some call me an optimist, guilty as charged, but I have great hope for humanity and our world. My hope comes from my faith in Jesus Christ and the transformational power found in Him. I live out my faith imperfectly every day, but trust my perfect God and have experienced His never-ending love and transformation in my own life.

I write, speak and blog about real life…the good, the bad, and the ugly. That’s what you will find here! 🙂 Welcome to the adventure!

Lots of love,
